Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywher...Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywhere inside the cavity the magnetic field is given by the constant →B=12μ0J0k×a, where a=r1−r2 and r1=r1^r1 is the position of P relative to the center of the conductor and 2=r2→r2 is the position…
Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywher...Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywhere inside the cavity the magnetic field is given by the constant →B=12μ0J0k×a, where a=r1−r2 and r1=r1^r1 is the position of P relative to the center of the conductor and 2=r2→r2 is the position…
Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywher...Then use the fact that the appropriate azimuthal unit vectors can be expressed as ˆθ1=ˆk×^r1 and ˆθ2=ˆk×^r2 to show that everywhere inside the cavity the magnetic field is given by the constant →B=12μ0J0k×a, where a=r1−r2 and r1=r1^r1 is the position of P relative to the center of the conductor and 2=r2→r2 is the position…