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- we have arrived at perhaps the most famous equation in all of physics – the equation that is on the lips of even the most uninitiated when they hear the name of Einstein. What is remarkable is...Finally we have arrived at perhaps the most famous equation in all of physics – the equation that is on the lips of even the most uninitiated when they hear the name of Einstein. What is remarkable is that as famous as the energy-mass equivalence equation is, precious few know what it really means, which is too bad, because this concept is the pinnacle of special relativity for good reason.
-'s_Community_College/Introduction_to_Physical_Science/03%3A_Work_and_Momentum/3.04%3A_Lecture_4_-_PowerThe lesson is based on section 7.7 in the OpenStax College Physics textbook. The lecture slides are provided in PowerPoint, Keynote, and pdf format.
-'s_Community_College/Introduction_to_Physical_Science/10%3A_Molarity_and_Chemical_Equations/10.01%3A_Lecture_1_-_Formula_Mass_and_the_Mole_ConceptThe lesson is based on section 3.1-3.2 in the OpenStax Chemistry 2e textbook. The lecture slides are provided in PowerPoint, Keynote, and pdf format.
- 1979 we have gone one step further, recognizing that obtaining and measuring the radiation from a black body at the temperature of melting platinum is a matter of some practical difficulty, and ...Since 1979 we have gone one step further, recognizing that obtaining and measuring the radiation from a black body at the temperature of melting platinum is a matter of some practical difficulty, and the current definition of the candela makes no mention of platinum or of a black body, and the candela is defined in such a manner that if a source of monochromatic radiation of frequency \(5.4 \times 10^{14} \text{Hz}\) has a radiant intensity of \(1/683 \ \text{W sr}^{-1}\) in that direction, the…
- of the problems below have had their basic features discussed in an "Analyze This" box in this chapter. This means that the solutions provided here are incomplete, as they will refer back to the a...All of the problems below have had their basic features discussed in an "Analyze This" box in this chapter. This means that the solutions provided here are incomplete, as they will refer back to the analysis performed for information (i.e. the full solution is essentially split between the analysis earlier and details here). If you have not yet spent time working on (not simply reading!) the analysis of these situations, these sample problems will be of little benefit to your studies. Solution
- physical oscillators become non-linear with increase in amplitude of the oscillations. Consequences of non-linearity include breakdown of superposition, introduction of additional harmonics, and ...Most physical oscillators become non-linear with increase in amplitude of the oscillations. Consequences of non-linearity include breakdown of superposition, introduction of additional harmonics, and complicated chaotic motion that has great sensitivity to the initial conditions as illustrated in this chapter. Weak non-linearity is interesting since perturbation theory can be used to solve the non-linear equations of motion.
- Milky Way Galaxy consists of a thin disk containing dust, gas, and young and old stars; a spherical halo containing populations of very old stars, and globular star clusters; a thick, more diffuse...The Milky Way Galaxy consists of a thin disk containing dust, gas, and young and old stars; a spherical halo containing populations of very old stars, and globular star clusters; a thick, more diffuse disk with stars that have properties intermediate between those in the thin disk and the halo; a peanut-shaped nuclear bulge of mostly old stars around the center; and a supermassive black hole at the very center. The Sun is located roughly halfway out of the Milky Way.
-\[\label{e11.31} J^{\,2}\,\psi^{(2)}_{l,1/2;j,m+1/2}= j\,(j+1)\,\hbar^{\,2}\,\psi^{(2)}_{l,1/2;j,m+1/2},\] where [see Equation ([e11.12])] \[\label{e11.32} J^{\,2} = L^2+S^{\,2} +2\,L_z\,S_z+ L_+\,S_-...\[\label{e11.31} J^{\,2}\,\psi^{(2)}_{l,1/2;j,m+1/2}= j\,(j+1)\,\hbar^{\,2}\,\psi^{(2)}_{l,1/2;j,m+1/2},\] where [see Equation ([e11.12])] \[\label{e11.32} J^{\,2} = L^2+S^{\,2} +2\,L_z\,S_z+ L_+\,S_-+L_-\,S_+.\] Moreover, according to Equations ([e11.28]) and ([e11.29]), we can write \[\label{e11.33} \psi^{(2)}_{l,1/2;j,m+1/2} = \alpha\,Y_{l,m}\,\chi_+ + \beta\, Y_{l,m+1}\,\chi_-.\] Recall, from Equations ([eraise]) and ([elow]), that \[\begin{aligned} \label{e11.34} L_+\,Y_{l,m} &= [l\,(l+1)-…
- Stark effect concerns the separation of the states within a level as the result of the application of an external electric field, and the consequent splitting of lines into Stark components.
- we define a system that consists of both Philae and Comet 67/P, then there is no net external force on this system, and thus the momentum of this system is conserved. (We’ll neglect the gravitation...If we define a system that consists of both Philae and Comet 67/P, then there is no net external force on this system, and thus the momentum of this system is conserved. (We’ll neglect the gravitational force of the sun.) Thus, if we calculate the change of momentum of the lander, we automatically have the change of momentum of the comet.