14.1: Numerical Constants
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Fundamental Constants
c | velocity of light | 2.998 × 108 m/s |
εo | permittivity of free space | 8.854 × 10-12 F/m |
μo | permeability of free space | 4π × 10-7 H/m |
ηo | characteristic impedance of free space | 376.7 Ω |
e | charge of an electron, (-e.v./Joule) | -1.6008 × 10-19 C |
m | mass of an electron | 9.1066 × 10-31 kg |
mp | mass of a proton | 1.6725 × 10-27 kg |
h | Planck constant | 6.624 × 10-34 J⋅s |
k | Boltzmann constant | 1.3805 × 10-23 J/K |
No | Avogadro’s constant | 6.022 × 1023 molec/mole |
R | Universal gas constant | 8. 31 J/mole⋅K |
A.2 Electrical Conductivity σ, S/m
Silver | 6.14 × 107 | Monel | 0.24 × 107 |
Copper | 5.80 × 107 | Mercury | 0.1 × 107 |
Gold | 4.10 × 107 | Sea Water | 3 – 5 |
Aluminum | 3.54 × 107 | Distilled Water | 2 × 10-4 |
Tungsten | 1.81 × 107 | Bakelite | 10-8 – 10-10 |
Brass | 1.57 × 107 | Glass | 10-12 |
Nickel | 1.28 × 107 | Mica | 10-11 – 10-15 |
Iron (pure) | 1.0 × 107 | Petroleum | 10-14 |
Steel | 0.5 – 1.0 × 107 | Fused Quartz | <2 × 10-17 |
Lead | 0.48 × 107 |
Relative Dielectric Constant ε/εo at 1 MHz
Vacuum | 1.00 | Vycor glass | 3.8 |
Styrofoam (25% filler) | 1.03 | Low-loss glass | 4.1 |
Firwood | 1.8 – 2.0 | Ice | 4.15 |
Paper | 2.0 – 3.0 | Pyrex glass | 5.1 |
Petroleum | 2.1 | Muscovite (mica) | 5.4 |
Paraffin | 2.1 | Mica | 5.6 – 6.0 |
Teflon | 2.1 | Magnesium silicate | 5.7 – 6.4 |
Vaseline | 2.16 | Porcelain | 5.7 |
Rubber | 2.3 – 4.0 | Aluminum oxide | 8.8 |
Polystyrene | 2.55 | Diamond | 16.5 |
Sandy soil | 2.6 | Ethyl alcohol | 24.5 |
Plexiglas | 2.6 – 3.5 | Distilled water | 81.1 |
Fused quartz | 3.78 | Titanium dioxide | 100 |
Relative Permeability μ/μo
Vacuum | 1 |
Biological tissue | 1 |
Cold steel | 2,000 |
Iron (99.91%) | 5,000 |
Purified iron (99.95%) | 180,000 |
mu metal (FeNiCrCu) | 100,000 |
Supermalloy (FeNiMoMn) | 800,000 |