16.5: Exercises - Variational Method
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An asterisk denotes a harder problem, which you are nevertheless encouraged to try!
1. Estimate the ground-state energy of a 1-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator using as trial function
(a) ψa(x)=cosαx for |αx|<π/2, zero elsewhere,
(b) ψb(x)=α2−x2 for |x|<α, zero elsewhere,
(c) ψc(x)=C exp(−αx2)
(d) * ψd(x)=C(α−|x|) (for |x|<α, zero elsewhere)
(e) ψe(x)=Csinαx (for |αx|<π, zero elsewhere)
In each case, α is the variational parameter. Don’t forget the normalisation. Sketch the wavefunctions and compare them with the actual ground-state wavefunction.
Numerical answers for checking (a) 0.568ℏω (b) 0.598ℏω (c) 0.5ℏω (d) 0.5477ℏω (e) 1.67ℏω
Where does the kinetic energy come from in (d)? You will have to consider carefully how to calculate it.
Write down the overlap integral ⟨ψi(x)|ψj(x)⟩ between the wavefunction in (e) and each of the other four: Why does (e) represent an estimate of the first excited state?
You may use the results
∫∞−∞ exp(−αx2)dx=√πα and ∫∞−∞x2 exp −αx2dx=√π2α3/2
2. * A particle moves in one dimension in the potential
Use a trial function of the form
and show that the energy is
Now, treating c as a variational parameter, obtain an upper bound on the ground-state energy. (You may wish to use maple).
How does your bound compare with the exact ground-state energy?
3. * Repeat the previous problem taking
as the trial function. Why does this give an upper bound for the first excited energy level? Compare your variational result with the exact eigenvalue of the n=2 level.
4. A “1d atom” has ground state wavefunction u1(x)= exp −α|x|.
Consider a ring of N such atoms, one centerd on x=0 separated by a distance d. Using the single site wavefunctions u1j(x+jd) as LCAO basis functions, what are the eigenfunctions according to Bloch’s theorum in 1D.
write down the single-particle ground state wavefunction which is an eigenstate of the displacement operator assuming that
What is the normalisation for this wavefunction?
A computational physicist solves for this wavefunction using the variational method, with a trial wavefunction ψT(r) and a set of variational parameters ck,k=2π/Nd
Using your knowledge of the symmetry of the exact atomic solution u1, what can you say without calculation about the coefficients ck, and allowed values of k?
What would you get from a trial wavefunction of the form
5. Obtain a variational estimate of the ground-state energy of the hydrogen atom by taking as trial function
ψT(r)= exp(−αr2)
How does your result compare with the exact result? Sketch the trial wavefunction and the actual wavefunction on the same graph.
You may use the integrals in Question 1 and
∫∞0r4 exp(−2ar)dr=3√2π64a5/2