16.4: Exercises - Time Dependence
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An asterisk denotes a harder problem, which you are nevertheless encouraged to try!
1. An easy one to start with! A particle moving in the infinite 1-d square well potential
V(x)=0 for |x|<a,V(x)=∞ for |x|>a
is set up in the initial state (t=0) described by the wavefunction
where u1(x), u2(x) are the energy eigenfunctions corresponding to the energy eigenvalues E1 and E2 respectively. Sketch the probability density at t=0.
What is the wavefunction at time t?
Calculate the probabilities P1 and P2 that at t=0 a measurement of the total energy yields the results E1 and E2 respectively. Do P1 and P2 change with time?
Calculate the probabilities P+(t) and P−(t) that at time t the particle is in the intervals 0<x<a and −a<x<0 respectively and try to interpret your results.
2. A system has just two independent states, |1⟩ and |2⟩, represented by the column matrices
|1⟩→(10) and |2⟩→(01)
With respect to these two states, the Hamiltonian has a time-independent matrix representation
where E and V are both real.
Show that the probability of a transition from the state |1⟩ to the state |2⟩ in the time interval t is given without approximation by
[Hint: expand the general state |Ψ,t⟩ in terms of |1⟩ and |2⟩ and substitute in the TDSE. Note that |1⟩ and |2⟩ are not energy eigenstates!]
Compute the transition probability using first-order time-dependent perturbation theory, taking the unperturbed Hamiltonian matrix to be that for which |1⟩ and |2⟩ are energy eigenstates. By comparing with the exact result, deduce the conditions under which you expect the approximation to be good.
3.*A 1-d harmonic oscillator of charge q is acted upon by a uniform electric field which may be considered to be a perturbation and which has time dependence of the form
E(t)=A√πτ exp {−(t/τ)2}
Assuming that when t=−∞, the oscillator is in its ground state, evaluate the probability that it is in its first excited state at t=+∞ using time-dependent perturbation theory. You may assume that
∫∞−∞ exp(−y2)dy=√π
Discuss the behavior of the transition probability and the applicability of the perturbation theory result when (a) τ≪1ω, and (b) τ≫1ω.
4. The Hamiltonian which describes the interaction of a static spin-12 particle with an external magnetic field, B_, is
When B_ is a static uniform magnetic field in the z-direction, B_0=(0,0,B0), the matrix representation of ˆH0 is simply
with eigenvalues ∓12γB0ℏ and for this time-independent Hamiltonian, the energy eigenstates are represented by the 2-component column matrices
|↑⟩→(10) and |↓⟩→(01)
Now consider superimposing on the static field B_0 a time-dependent magnetic field of constant magnitude B1, rotating in the x−y plane with constant angular frequency ω:
If the Hamiltonian is now written as ˆH(t)=ˆH0+ˆV(t), write down a matrix representation of ˆV(t).
Any spin state can be written
|Ψ,t⟩=c1(t) exp(−iE↑t/ℏ)|↑⟩+c2(t) exp(−iE↓t/ℏ)|↓⟩
Obtain, without approximation, the coupled equations for the amplitudes c1(t),c2(t).
*If initially at t=0 the system is in the spin-down state, show that the probability that at time t, the system is in the spin-up state is given without approximation by
What is the corresponding probability, p2(t), that the system is in the spin-down state? Sketch p1(t) and p2(t) as functions of time.