2: Math Review Last updated Jan 3, 2023 Save as PDF 1.E: Practice- 2.1: Introduction Page ID76317 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 2.1: Introduction2.2: Geometrical Shapes2.3: Triangles2.4: The Rectangular Coordinate Systems and Graphs2.5: Finding Angle Measurements2.6: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines2.7: Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities2.7.1: Solving Linera Equations2.7.2: Solving Inequalities2.7.3: Solving Quadratic Equations2.7.4: Solving a System of Linear Equations2.7.5: Solving a System of Linear Equations with Cramer's Rule2.8: Functions2.8.1: Basic Functions2.8.2: Trigonometric Functions2.8.3: Exponential_and_Logarithmic_Functions2.8.4: Properties_of_Logarithms2.8.5: Exponential and Logarithmic Models2.9: Derivatives2.9.1: The Derivative as a Function2.9.2: Differentiation Rules2.9.3: Derivatives as Rates of Change2.9.4: Linear Approximations and Differentials2.9.5: Maxima and Minima2.9.6: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph2.9.7: Optimization Problems2.9.8: Table of Derivatives2.10: Anti derivatives and integrals2.10.1: Integrals2.10.2: Antiderivatives2.10.3: Physical Applications of Integration-2.10.4: Moments_and_Centers_of_Mass2.10.5: Table_of_Integrals2.11: Vectors2.11.1: Review of Trigonometry2.11.2: Right Angle Triangle Trigonometry2.11.3: Scalars and Vectors2.11.4: Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector2.11.5: Algebra of Vectors2.11.6: Products of Vectors2.11.7: Further Topics2.11.E: Practice2.12: Math-vector basics and diffrential equations