4: Oscillations
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Harmonic oscillation
The general form of a harmonic oscillation is: Ψ(t)=ˆΨei(ωt±φ)≡ˆΨcos(ωt±φ),
where ˆΨ is the amplitude. A superposition of several harmonic oscillations with the same frequency results in another harmonic oscillation: ∑iˆΨicos(αi±ωt)=ˆΦcos(β±ωt) with:
tan(β)=∑iˆΨisin(αi)∑iˆΨicos(αi) and ˆΦ2=∑iˆΨ2i+2∑j>i∑iˆΨiˆΨjcos(αi−αj)
For harmonic oscillations: ∫x(t)dt=x(t)iω and dnx(t)dtn=(iω)nx(t).
Mechanic oscillation
For a spring with constant C and damping k which is connected to a mass M, to which a periodic force F(t)=ˆFcos(ωt) is applied the equation of motion is m¨x=F(t)−k˙x−Cx. With complex amplitudes, this becomes −mω2x=F−Cx−ikωx. With ω20=C/m it follows that:
x=Fm(ω20−ω2)+ikω ,and for the velocity: ˙x=Fi√Cmδ+k
where δ=ωω0−ω0ω. The quantity Z=F/˙x is called the impedance of the system. The quality of the system is given by Q=√Cmk.
The frequency with minimal |Z| is called the velocity resonance frequency. This is equal to ω0. In the resonance curve |Z|/√Cm is plotted against ω/ω0. The width of this curve is characterized by the points where |Z(ω)|=|Z(ω0)|√2. At these points: R=X and δ=±Q−1, and the width is 2ΔωB=ω0/Q.
The stiffness of an oscillating system is given by F/x. The amplitude resonance frequency ωA is the frequency where iωZ is a minimum. This is the case for ωA=ω0√1−12Q2.
The damping frequency ωD is a measure for the time in which an oscillating system comes to rest. It is given by ωD=ω0√1−14Q2. A weak damped oscillation (k2<4mC) dies out after TD=2π/ωD. For a critically damped oscillation (k2=4mC) ωD=0. A strong damped oscillation (k2>4mC) decays like (if k2≫4mC) x(t)≈x0exp(−t/τ).
Electric oscillations
The impedance is given by: Z=R+iX. The phase angle is φ:=arctan(X/R). The impedance of a resistor is R, of a capacitor 1/iωC and of a self inductor iωL. The quality of a coil is Q=ωL/R. The total impedance in case several elements are connected is given by:
- Series connection: V=IZ,
Ztot=∑iZi , Ltot=∑iLi , 1Ctot=∑i1Ci , Q=Z0R , Z=R(1+iQδ) - Parallel connection: V=IZ,
1Ztot=∑i1Zi , 1Ltot=∑i1Li , Ctot=∑iCi , Q=RZ0 , Z=R1+iQδ Here, Z0=√LC and ω0=1√LC.
The power from a source is given by P(t)=V(t)⋅I(t), so ⟨P⟩t=ˆVeffˆIeffcos(Δϕ)
=12ˆVˆIcos(ϕv−ϕi)=12ˆI2Re(Z)=12ˆV2Re(1/Z), where cos(Δϕ) is the work factor.
Waves in long conductors
If cables are used for signal transfer, e.g. coax cables then: Z0=√dLdxdxdC.
The transmission velocity is given by v=√dxdLdxdC.
Coupled conductors and transformers
For two coils enclosing each others flux if Φ12 is the part of the flux originating from I2 through coil 2 which is enclosed by coil 1, then Φ12=M12I2, Φ21=M21I1. The coefficients of mutual induction Mij is given by:
where 0≤k≤1 is the coupling factor. For a transformer k≈1. At full load:
The oscillation time T=1/f, for different types of pendulums is given by:
- Oscillating spring: T=2π√m/C if the spring force is given by F=C⋅Δl.
- Physical pendulum: T=2π√I/τ with τ the moment of force and I the moment of inertia.
- Torsion pendulum: T=2π√I/κ where κ=2lmπr4Δφ is the constant of torsion and I the moment of inertia.
- Mathematical pendulum: T=2π√l/g with g the acceleration of gravity and l the length of the pendulum.