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Physics LibreTexts

7: Statistical Physics

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Degrees of freedom

A molecule consisting of n atoms has s=3n degrees of freedom. There are 3 translational degrees of freedom, a linear molecule has s=3n5 vibrational degrees of freedom and a non-linear molecule s=3n6. A linear molecule has 2 rotational degrees of freedom and a non-linear molecule 3.

Because vibrational degrees of freedom account for both kinetic and potential energy they count double. So, for linear molecules this results in a total of s=6n5. For non-linear molecules this gives s=6n6. The average energy of a molecule in thermodynamic equilibrium is Etot=12skT. Each degree of freedom of a molecule has in principle the same energy: the principle of equipartition.

The rotational and vibrational energy of a molecule modeled as a rigid harmonic oscillator are:

Wrot=22Il(l+1)=Bl(l+1) ,  Wvib=(v+12)ω0

The vibrational levels are excited if kTω, the rotational levels of a hetronuclear molecule are excited if kT2B. For homonuclear molecules additional selection rules apply so the rotational levels are well coupled if kT6B.

The energy distribution function

The general form of the equilibrium velocity distribution function is P(vx,vy,vz)dvxdvydvz=P(vx)dvxP(vy)dvyP(vz)dvz with


where α=2kT/m is the most probable velocity of a particle. The average velocity is given by v=2α/π, and v2=32α2. The distribution as a function of the absolute value of the velocity is given by:

dNdv=4Nα3π v2exp(mv22kT)

The general form of the energy distribution function then becomes:


where c(s) is a normalization constant, given by:

  1. Even s: s=2l: c(s)=1(l1)!
  2. Odd s: s=2l+1: c(s)=2lπ(2l1)!!

Pressure on a wall

The number of molecules that collides with a wall with surface A within a time τ is given by:


From this follows for the particle flux on the wall: Φ=14nv. For the pressure on the wall it then follows that:

d3p=2mvcos(θ)d3NAτ ,  so  p=23nE

The equation of state

If intermolecular forces and the volume of the molecules can be neglected then for gases from p=23nE and E=32kT it can be derived that:


Here, ns is the number of moles of molecules and N is the total number of molecules within volume V. If the molecular volume and the intermolecular forces cannot be neglected the Van der Waals equation can be derived:


There is an isotherm with a horizontal point of inflection. In the Van der Waals equation this corresponds with the critical temperature, pressure and volume of the gas. This is the upper limit of the area of coexistence between liquid and vapor. From dp/dV=0 and d2p/dV2=0 follows:

Tcr=8a27bR ,  pcr=a27b2 ,  Vcr=3bns

At the critical point: pcrVm,cr/RTcr=38, which differs from the value of 1 which follows from the ideal gas law.

Scaled using the critical quantities, with p:=p/pcr, T=T/Tcr and Vm=Vm/Vm,cr with Vm:=V/ns one obtains:


Gases behave the same for equal values of the reduced quantities: the law of the corresponding states. A virial expansion can be used for an even more accurate picture:


The Boyle temperature TB is the temperature for which the 2nd virial coefficient is 0. In a Van der Waals gas, this happens at TB=a/Rb. The inversion temperature Ti=2TB.

An equation of state for solids and liquids is given by:


Collisions between molecules

The collision probability of a particle in a gas that is moving over a distance dx is given by nσdx, where σ is the cross section. The mean free path is given by =v1nuσ with u=v21+v22 the relative velocity between the particles. If m1m2 then: uv1=1+m1m2, so =1nσ. If m1=m2 then: =1nσ2. This means that the average time between two collisions is given by τ=1nσv. If the molecules are approximated by hard spheres the cross section is: σ=14π(D21+D22). The average distance between two molecules is 0.55n1/3. Collisions between molecules and small particles in a solution result in  Brownian motion. For the average motion of a particle with radius R it can be derived that: x2i=13r2=kTt/3πηR.

A gas is called a Knudsen gas if the volume of the gas, something that can easily occur at low pressures. The equilibrium condition for a vessel which has a hole with surface area A in it if A/π is: n1T1=n2T2. Together with the general gas law follows: p1/T1=p2/T2.

If two plates slide along each other at a distance d with velocity wx the viscosity η is given by: Fx=ηAwxd. The velocity profile between the plates is in that case given by w(z)=zwx/d. It can be derived that η=13ϱv where v is the thermal velocity.

The heat conductance in a stationary gas is described by: dQdt=κA(T2T1d), which results in a temperature profile T(z)=T1+z(T2T1)/d. It can be derived that κ=13CmVnv/NA. Also: κ=CVη. A better expression for κ can be obtained with the Eucken correction: κ=(1+9R/4cmV)CVη with an error <5%.

Interaction between molecules

For dipole interaction between molecules it can be derived that U1/r6. If the distance between two molecules approaches the molecular diameter D a repulsive force between the electron clouds appears. This force can be described by Urepexp(γr) or Vrep=+Cs/rs with 12s20. This results in the Lennard-Jones potential for intermolecular forces:


with a minimum ϵ at r=rm the following holds: D0.89rm. For the Van der Waals coefficients a and b and using critical quantities: a=5.275N2AD3ϵ, b=1.3NAD3, kTkr=1.2ϵ and Vm,kr=3.9NAD3.

A simpler model for intermolecular forces assumes a potential U(r)= for r<D, U(r)=ULJ for Dr3D and U(r)=0 for r3D. This gives for the potential energy of one molecule: Epot=3DDU(r)F(r)dr with F(r) the spatial distribution function in spherical coordinates, which for a homogeneous distribution is given by: F(r)dr=4nπr2dr.

Some useful mathematical relations are:

0xnexdx=n!  ,  0x2nex2dx=(2n)!πn!22n+1  ,  0x2n+1ex2dx=12n!

This page titled 7: Statistical Physics is shared under a CC BY license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Johan Wevers.

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