1.7: Notation
( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
The list below describes notation used in this book.
- Vectors: Boldface is used to indicate a vector; e.g., the electric field intensity vector will typically appear as E. Quantities not in boldface are scalars. When writing by hand, it is common to write “¯E” or “→E ” in lieu of “E.”
- Unit vectors: A circumflex is used to indicate a unit vector; i.e., a vector having magnitude equal to one. For example, the unit vector pointing in the +x direction will be indicated as ˆx. In discussion, the quantity “ ˆx” is typically spoken “x hat.”
- Time: The symbol t is used to indicate time.
- Position: The symbols (x,y,z),(ρ,ϕ,z), and (r,θ,ϕ) indicate positions using the Cartesian, cylindrical, and polar coordinate systems, respectively. It is sometimes convenient to express position in a manner which is independent of a coordinate system; in this case, we typically use the symbol r. For example, r=ˆxx+ˆyy+ˆzz in the Cartesian coordinate system.
- Phasors: A tilde is used to indicate a phasor quantity; e.g., a voltage phasor might be indicated as ˜V, and the phasor representation of E will be indicated as ˜E.
- Curves, surfaces, and volumes: These geometrical entities will usually be indicated in script; e.g., an open surface might be indicated as S and the curve bounding this surface might be indicated as C. Similarly, the volume enclosed by a closed surface S may be indicated as V.
- Integrations over curves, surfaces, and volumes will usually be indicated using a single integral sign with the appropriate subscript. For example:
∫C⋯dl is an integral over the curve C
∫S⋯ds is an integral over the surface S
∫V⋯ds is an integral over the volume V. - Integrations over closed curves and surfaces will be indicated using a circle superimposed on the integral sign. For example:
∮C…dl is an integral over the closed curve C
∮S…ds is an integral over the closed surface S
A “closed curve” is one which forms an unbroken loop; e.g., a circle. A “closed surface” is one which encloses a volume with no openings; e.g., a sphere. - The symbol “≅” means “approximately equal to.” This symbol is used when equality exists, but is not being expressed with exact numerical precision. For example, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is π, where π≅3.14.
- The symbol “≈” also indicates “approximately equal to,” but in this case the two quantities are unequal even if expressed with exact numerical precision. For example, ex=1+x+x2/2+… as a infinite series, but ex≈1+x for x≪1. Using this approximation e0.1≈1.1, which is in good agreement with the actual value e0.1≅1.1052.
- The symbol “∼” indicates “on the order of,” which is a relatively weak statement of equality indicating that the indicated quantity is within a factor of 10 or so the indicated value. For example, μ∼105 for a class of iron alloys, with exact values being being larger or smaller by a factor of 5 or so.
- The symbol “≜” means “is defined as” or “is equal as the result of a definition.”
- Complex numbers: j \triangleq \sqrt { - 1 }.
- See Appendix C for notation used to identify commonly-used physical constants.