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- An Introduction to Physics Education Research
- A very brief introduction to Physics Education Research and how the results of the research are used in physics teaching. January 2010.
- Blackboards, PowerPoint, and Tablet PCs in the Classroom
- Three case studies of the delivery of visual information in the classroom. Much of the discussion is guided by the results of research into the study of eye movements when subjects are reading.
- Classroom Examples and Precious Class Time
- Using a Tablet PC to deliver examples and problem solutions on the web as an alternative to doing them in class.
- Clickers: A study of Classroom Response System use at the University of Toronto
- An examination of the use of classroom response systems in various lecture-based course at the University of Toronto. Over 30 U of T instructors were interviewed about their use of clickers in classes with a total enrollment of over 5,000 students. Students in these classes were also surveyed about their perception of the value of this technology.
- Cognitive reflection and physics student performance
- Issues of intuitive versus reflective cognition and the relation to physics student performance.
- Compressed-Format Compared to Regular-Format In a First Year University Physics Course
- Comparing as 6-week summer version to a 12-week fall version of a first year physics course for life science students.
- Computers: General Issues
- The Personal Fonemate & Other Cautionary Tales, a discussion of appropriate and inapproriate uses of computers in teaching.
- Computers: Solving the Pendulum
- The Physical Pendulum in an Advanced Undergraduate Course in Mechanics, a paper that appeared in the journal Computers in Physics 8, 416-419 (1995). It discusses studies of the pendulum and computer algorithms to solve the equations of the pendulum.
- Correlating student interest and high school preparation with learning and performance in an introductory university physics course
- We studied the correlation of student performance in a large 1st year university physics course with motivation for taking the course and whether or not the student took a senior-level high-school physics course. Performance was measured both by the Force Concept Inventory and by the marks on the Final Examination.
- Effective Teams for Collaborative Learning in an Introductory University Physics Course
- We compared teams sorted by student ability to teams with students of mixed ability, comparted teams with 3 students to teams with 4 students, and examined female students in teams with only one female student and the rest male.
- Information Delivery via the Web and in the Classroom
- How Does the Delivery of Information Help Students to Learn?, a discussion of the delivery of information both via the web and in the classroom.
- Innovative Teaching Techniques and U.S.-Developed Materials
- A report on using U.S.-developed materials for innovative teaching techniques in introductory Physics courses. January 2005.
- Laboratory Experiments, On Good and Bad Ones
- An analysis of a survey of first year Physics lab students asking about the best and worst experiments they performed .
- On Resistance to Implementing Physics Education Research Results in Physics Courses
- A brief note of personal observation and opinion on the resistance of many physics teachers to implementing research-based pedagogy in their classes.
- Perspectives on modern reformed pedagogy from the history of science, psychology, and the performing arts
- A "screed" attempting to tie together some diverse and unusual elements and the implications for pedagogy.
- Studying Physics
- Advice to first year University students on studying Physics.
- Team Teaching
- A report of a survey of 50 courses at the University of Toronto that have more than one instructor.
- Team Teaching Survey
- A followup on the Team Teaching document just above, this report includes surveys of students on their attitudes towards Team Teaching.
- Testing
- Test Design, a small document of opinion and observation relating to tests and exams.
- Textbook Use in the Sciences and Its Relation to Course Performance
- A study of how students use their textbook and how that correlates with performance in the course in 12 undergraduate science courses
- The Axis of Rotation for Rolling Motion
- Analysing and teaching about the actual axis of rotation for a rolling object.
- The Force Concept Inventory and Adult Learners
- A small report on the performance of a small group of adult learners on the Force Concept Inventory diagnostic instrument.
- The Uncertainty of Grades in Physics Courses is Surprisingly Large
- A study of the uncertainty in test, final exam, and course marks.
- Tutorial Attendance and Student Performance
- A study of the correlation between tutorial attendance and final marks for two Physics courses.