Physical Constants
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Name | Symbol | Value | Unit |
Number \pi | \pi | 3.14159265358979323846 | |
Number e | e | 2.71828182845904523536 | |
Euler’s constant | 0.577215664901532860606 | ||
Elementary charge | e | 1.60217733\cdot10^{-19} |
C |
Gravitational constant | G,\kappa | 6.67259\cdot10^{-11} | m^3kg^{-1}s^{-2} |
Fine-structure constant | \alpha=e^2/2hc\varepsilon_0 | \approx1/137 | |
Speed of light in vacuum | c | 2.99792458\cdot10^8 | m/s (def) |
Permittivity of the vacuum | \varepsilon_0 | 8.854187\cdot10^{-12} | F/m |
Permeability of the vacuum | \mu_0 | 4\pi\cdot10^{-7} | H/m |
(4\pi\varepsilon_0)^{-1} | 8.9876\cdot10^9 | Nm^2C^{-2} | |
Planck’s constant | h | 6.6260755\cdot10^{-34} |
Js |
Dirac’s constant | \hbar=h/2\pi | 1.0545727\cdot10^{-34} | Js |
Bohr magneton | \mu_{\rm B}=e\hbar/2m_{\rm e} | 9.2741\cdot10^{-24} | Am^2 |
Bohr radius | a_0 | 0.52918 | Å |
Rydberg’s constant | Ry | 13.595 | eV |
Electron Compton wavelength | \lambda_{\rm Ce}=h/m_{\rm e}c | 2.2463\cdot10^{-12} | m |
Proton Compton wavelength | \lambda_{\rm Cp}=h/m_{\rm p}c | 1.3214\cdot10^{-15} | m |
Reduced mass of the H-atom | \mu_{\rm H} | 9.1045755\cdot10^{-31} | kg |
Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant | \sigma | 5.67032\cdot10^{-8} |
Wm^{-2}K^{-4} |
Wien’s constant | k_{\rm W} | 2.8978\cdot10^{-3} | mK |
Molar gasconstant | R | 8.31441 | J\cdotmol^{-1}\cdotK^{-1} |
Avogadro’s constant | N_{\rm A} | 6.0221367\cdot10^{23} | mol^{-1} |
Boltzmann’s constant | k=R/N_{\rm A} | 1.380658\cdot10^{-23} | J/K |
Electron mass | m_{\rm e} | 9.1093897\cdot10^{-31} |
kg |
Proton mass | m_{\rm p} | 1.6726231\cdot10^{-27} | kg |
Neutron mass | m_{\rm n} | 1.674954\cdot10^{-27} | kg |
Elementary mass unit | m_{\rm u}=\frac{1}{12}m(^{12}_{~6}C) | 1.6605656\cdot10^{-27} | kg |
Nuclear magneton | \mu_{\rm N} | 5.0508\cdot10^{-27} | J/T |
Diameter of the Sun | D_\odot | 1392\cdot10^6 |
m |
Mass of the Sun | M_\odot | 1.989\cdot10^{30} | kg |
Rotational period of the Sun | T_\odot | 25.38 | days |
Radius of Earth | R_{\rm A} | 6.378\cdot10^6 | m |
Mass of Earth | M_{\rm A} | 5.976\cdot10^{24} | kg |
Rotational period of Earth | T_{\rm A} | 23.96 | hours |
Earth orbital period | Tropical year | 365.24219879 | days |
Astronomical unit | AU | 1.4959787066\cdot10^{11} | m |
Light year | lj | 9.4605\cdot10^{15} | m |
Parsec | pc | 3.0857\cdot10^{16} | m |
Hubble constant | H | \approx(75\pm25) | km\cdots^{-1}\cdotMpc^{-1} |