16.3: Exercises - More Perturbations
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An asterisk denotes a harder problem, which you are nevertheless encouraged to try!
1. Quarkonium is a system consisting of a heavy quark of mass mQ bound to its antiquark, also of mass mQ. The inter-quark potential is of the form
where a, b are constants and r is the quark-antiquark separation. Given the Bohr formula for the energy levels of hydrogen
where m is the reduced mass of the electron-proton system, deduce an expression for the energy levels of quarkonium in the approximation which neglects the second term in V(r).
What are the corresponding degeneracies of the lowest two energy levels?
Use first-order perturbation theory to calculate the corrections to the lowest two energy levels. Why it is not necessary to use degenerate perturbation theory for this problem?
You may assume that the wavefunctions for hydrogen are:
u100=(πa30)−1/2 exp(−r/a0)
u200=(8πa30)−1/2(1−r2a0) exp (−r/2a0)
u211=−(πa30)−1/2r8a0sinθ exp (iϕ) exp (−r/2a0)
u210=(8πa30)−1/2r2a0cosθ exp (−r/2a0)
u21−1=(πa30)−1/2r8a0sinθ exp (−iϕ) exp (−r/2a0)
where the Bohr radius a0=4πϵ0ℏ2/me2, and that
∫∞0 exp(−kr)rndr=n!/kn+1,n>−1
2. The isotropic harmonic oscillator in 2 dimensions is described by the Hamiltonian
and has energy eigenvalues
What is the degeneracy of the first excited level? Use degenerate perturbation theory to determine the splitting induced by the perturbation
where C is a constant.
Hint: the matrix elements of the perturbation may be computed by using the lowering and raising operators
ˆai≡√mω2ℏˆxi+i√2mωℏˆpi and ˆa†i≡√mω2ℏˆxi−i√2mωℏˆpi
with the properties that
ˆa1|n1,n2⟩=√n1|n1−1,n2⟩ and ˆa†1|n1,n2⟩=√n1+1|n1+1,n2⟩ etc.
3. Look up and write down the n=1 and 2 wavefunctions for a one electron atom (Nuclear charge Z). Evaluate the first-order energy shifts and the diagonal matrix elements for the following perturbations:
(a) vˆlz
(b) vr2
(c) vr
(d) v exp(−2r/a0)
(e) v exp(−Zr/a0)
In each case comment on the range of v for which perturbation theory is applicable.
4. The change in energy levels in an atom due to the application of an external electric field is known as the Stark effect. The perturbation corresponding to a uniform static electric field of magnitude E, applied in the z direction to a hydrogen atom is
Use degenerate perturbation theory to calculate the effect on the 4-fold degenerate n=2 level of atomic hydrogen.
The relevant unperturbed eigenfunctions are given in Question 1
5. A function has Periodic Boundary Conditions if Φ(x)=Φ(x+L) for all x: Why is a particle confined to a 1d ring equivalent to periodic boundary conditions?
2N non-interacting ’electrons’ are confined to a 1d ring of length L. Show that their wavefunctions can be written as
and explain what k is. Draw a graph of energy against k=2πλ. Explain why each state is fourfold degenerate
Assuming that the electrons occupy the lowest energy states according to the Exclusion Principle, show that the highest energy of an electron is independent of L, provided the electron density N/L is constant
The ions in a 1D solid are represented by a perturbation
Explain briefly why this represents divalent ions.
Show that to first order in perturbation theory, this lowers the energy of the highest energy occupied states by 3v0/4 or v0/4
Explain how this perturbation affects conductivity
You may use the results that for any integer N