5.11: Legendre Polynomials
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In this section we cover just enough about Legendre polynomials to be useful in the following section. Before starting, I want you to expand the following expression, by the binomial theorem, for |x|<1, up to x4 :
Please do go ahead and do it. Well, you probably won’t, so I’d better do it myself:
I’ll start with
and therefore
The coefficients of the powers of x are the Legendre polynomials Pl(cosθ), so that
The Legendre polynomials with argument cosθ can be written as series of terms in powers of cosθ by substitution of cosθ for x in Equations 1.12.5 in Section 1.12 of Chapter 1. Note that x in Section 1 is not the same as x in the present section. Alternatively they can be written as series of cosines of multiples of θ as follows.
For example, P6(cosθ) can be written either as given by Equation 5.11.7, or as given by Equation 1, namely
P6=116(231c6−315c4+105c2−5), where c=cosθ.
The former may look neater, and the latter may look “awkward” because of all the powers. However, the latter is far faster to compute, particularly when written as nested parentheses:
P6=(−5+C(105+C(−315+231C)))/16, where C=cos2θ.